Saturday, May 22, 2010

It has been a while

It has been quite a while since I updated. A lot has happened in that time.  I'll spare everyone the gory details, everyone is okay, there has been no tragedies, but a lot of stress and strain and we are taking life day by day.  Certain things, particularly babies, continue to go on though, which is a blessing.

V is just now starting to experiment with solid foods.  Yes, she is edging closer to ten-months-old. I'm very pleased to have gone this long without introducing solids.  On Thursday I offered her wedges of avocado. She was less than interested. :)

This morning I baked sweet potato wedges and offered those to her, after nursing, while her Daddy was with us.  She really liked the sweet potato although she only actually ate a tiny bit. 

Today I am also stripping every single one of her Indian cotton prefold diapers.  She had been getting a little red and a small amount of diaper rash that we treated with scrupulous cleaning, a bit of Burts Bees Baby Bee Buttermilk Lotion, and Imse Vimse Flushable Liner. Within a day her tender bits were perfect again but I want to be sure that there is no buildup in her diapers. This is quite the project, I hope it goes well.