I am having one of
those days. I am trying to revise (again, for the umpteenth time) my resume and craft a fantabulous cover letter to illustrate exactly how my varied skills make me the perfect candidate for an office manager position at a college. In the mean time, V has decided that she absolutely needs me right now all the time RIGHT NOW and is not only nursing like crazy (teething much?) but also climbing all over me, the furniture, the dining room table and the cats. Darling Hubby had made lots of promises about having the weekend to do "stuff" and then went off to work on his landscaping gig ALL DAY. And of course V has not napped and keeps shouting "MORE MORE MORE MORE" in my ear.
I have
I know this moment will pass and I will have the mommy guilt in spades, but right now at this moment in time, I want the
Goblin King 
to come and take this child away RIGHT NOW!
No really, I do. I am sick to my stomach with the frustration and contained
GRRR that I am trying to not show her. I know she's just being a teething, exploring toddler and doesn't mean to drive Mama into a long walk off a short pier. In fact, she's a wonderful exceptional child that I am totally in love with, but right now, I want a shower, a third huge mug of coffee and a BREAK!
And people wonder why I'm not firing off a dozen applications at a time. Because it has taken me FIVE HOURS to get halfway through one cover letter. *sob*
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