Friday, February 5, 2010

Flat Cloth Diapers

I have just origami folded my first dozen birdseye cotton flat diapers.  I have a ridiculous sense of accomplishment as I look at this compact pile of white fabric and wonder if these diapers will be as absorbent and soft as I've read.

So why did I add to my diaper stash with something so basic and old fashioned?

Apparently, and so far this is all from what I've read as V is sleeping and I haven't tried one on her yet, these diapers absorb wonderfully, wash in a jiffy and dry faster than you can believe.  These are supposed to be "the diapers" for camping or traveling as they can actually be hand-washed and then line dried.  Even if they are machine wash and dried, because they are single ply, they will use much less water and energy to get clean.  And honestly, my pile of a dozen is so compact I can't believe it.  My poor diaper bag is always stuffed near to bursting when I go to my parents' house for the day with just nine prefolds.

Now the "trimness" of a cloth diaper has never really been an issue for me since I think poofy diaper butt is adorable and a nice padded buffer for when she starts walking, and falling.  But if these work, they will be the trimmest option we have and might fit better under some of her clothes.

As for the frugal part of this equation, if you look around the internet, you can get twelve for less than $15.00.

I do not recommend the cloth diapers found at big box stores with the cute baby on the label.  You know the brand, it's associated with cute babies and has food, clothing and accessory lines.  I don't want to name it and give them advertising. The quality of those diapers is appalling.  Their prefolds couldn't absorb anything.  If you must use them, use them as burp cloths or dust rags.

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