Sunday, August 1, 2010

Diaper changes in the middle of the night

So V's most notable issue seems to be changing her diaper in the wee hours.  Most nights she doesn't pee from about midnight until after 7:00am.  There are however those nights when she does have a wet diaper and I have to change her.  I dread these moments, it almost never goes well.  Enter, my secret weapons...

Before V was born one friend managed to purchase one three pack of BumGenius 3.0 One Size Diapers for us in Moonbeam.  Early on after she was born I also got one more of the same diaper in Zinnia. These four diapers have been used ever since (and if you've been counting she's now almost 13-months-old).  They were called her "cheaters" by a young friend who helped watch her while I was at a 5 hour meeting.  Her godparents always used them while babysitting her.  And now I keep them ready for those middle of the night diaper changes.

I should mention that our standard diapering option is an unbleached Indian cotton prefold (held with a purple Snappi), an Imse Vimse liner and a LiteWrap diaper cover.  When we are out and about we use gDiapers with gCloth inserts and the Imse Vimse liner.  At night, she uses her prefold, liner and an Aristocrat wool diaper cover.

The prefold diaper and wool cover gives us a wonderful diapering option at night that breathes and keeps her comfortable, however, it is not night-time change friendly.  What I end up doing is pulling down the front of the cover (it is pull up style), undoing the snappy and pulling everything off, then just plopping her tushy in the ready BumGenius 3.0 diaper, quickly closing it and letting her breastfeed back to sleep. So far this has minimized the screaming tantrums.  For that, I will always be grateful!

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