Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Where did the time go?

So not only is my baby girl one-year-old, but she is almost 13-months-old! Where did the time go?

We did throw a party to celebrate her first birthday and my father graciously hosted it using his account at Restaurant Depot to save us money.  I opted for a veggie heavy menu with some cold cuts, breaded eggplant and meatballs to round out the sandwich options.  We also had a minimally successful salad bar.  There were wonderful friends and family and lots of children and we had a wonderful time.  Decorations were all recycled from previous events.  We did purchase some napkins and biodegradable dishes and glasses, and used the stainless steel picnic ware my parents have had for years. All in all, it was a wonderful time that I will remember for ever.

Enjoying her vegan, sugar-free applesauce carrot cake.

Since her birthday I have been enjoying the world of hula hooping! A friend bought me an exercise hoop and arm hoop set from and I have since made several hoops from materials found at Lowes.  Hooping is fun, healthy, fairly low cost (especially once you start making several), and did I mention fun? 

1 comment:

  1. Time really does fly by. My little girl is already turning 1! She really keeps me on my toes. Sad to say I'm still having trouble getting rid of that stubborn baby weight. My sister wants me to try this exercise hula hoop, but I'm not sure. I wonder what my little girl would think about me if she saw me playing with a hula hoop.
