Thursday, September 2, 2010

Things I Love Thursday

I was inspired by a facebook friend to start a "Things I Love Thursday" post weekly, on Thursdays.  Hopefully this will help me keep more involved with this blog.

So here goes my first TILT post:

Word World: I tried for about a year to minimize V's television exposure, but even though the AAP says no TV for two years, I had to break down and find something that wouldn't warp her little brain too much.  I LOVE this silly show.  I know it's for a slightly older child who is starting to read, but in the mean time it is sweet, has music she dances too, and keeps me amused.

Stellaluna Board Book: When V got this for her first birthday, I was so jazzed. This is one of my absolute favorite children's stories (and yes, I own a Stellaluna stuffed animal), but my copy has paper pages which she would tear. This allows me to read this to her every night in a durable fashion that she can turn the pages without damaging it.

Hula Hooping: I'm a new convert to the joys of hula hooping.  I now own four waist sized hoops and two sets of arm hoops and I'm hoping to make more.  This appeals to the lazy exerciser in me because I don't have to go to a gym or do lots of prep to get a good workout.  The performer in me is looking forward to getting good enough to hoop dance in public.  And someday I might even play with fire hoops!

Grilled Vegetables: I've only started grilling this year, and as a vegetarian I'm obviously not going to be grilling steak.  I learned with asparagus and have now graduated to eggplant and tomato. YUMMY

Dr. Bronner's Baby Mild Castille Soap:
This is my all purpose, clean everything, wash the baby, body, hair, love this stuff like crazy, soap. I've even stopped buying shampoo.  Love it, love it, love it, love it. 

I suppose that's enough Things I Love for this Thursday.  Hopefully I'll remember to post again next week. And maybe I'll try to stop in again before then too! 


  1. I haven't hoola hooped since I was a kid! I used to love that. And I never even thought of weighted hoops for working out, great idea!

  2. Dude, it freaking ROCKS! And you should see some of the stuff going on out there with performances in hoop dancing... And the guys get going as good as the girls, seriously! I feel like a hippo starting out, but I hope to be able to rock the hoop in the not too distance future.

    I have made some great hoops with 3/4" 160 PSI black tubing from Lowes with 3/4" insert couplings. The most expensive part of making great hoops is the tape. If you want good grip you need quality gaffer tape which is Pro-Gaff. Other than that, it is really inexpensive to feed an obsession... *evil grin*
