Friday, March 11, 2011

V silliness

So V is in a GREAT mood this morning.  Slept really well and late, woke up playing, that kind of morning that should be engraved in one's heart and mind and memory for all time. After playing with a musical card she got for Valentine's day that made her giggle like mad, she asked for "more" (her word for nursing) and crawled into my lap. I expected she would nurse for two seconds and be off and running. What I did not expect was for her to latch on, but start tickling my belly and giggling. So I started to giggle, so she laughed harder and tickled more, and I laughed harder until tears were running down my face and she buried her head in my ribs and belly laughed. She's the only person in the entire world allowed to tickle me, and I want to start every day like this...<3

The next time she hopped into my lap for "MORE!" today, she pointed to the other breast and said "it's a boobie!" I had to ask her again what she said (because she was talking around the nipple she was using) and she popped off and said "BOOBIE!"

All my work to try and avoid her using that word defeated by the men in my life. "Bobbing for boobies" has been my father's response to her rooting since day one. And even my husband refers to her "num-nums" as boobies. Oh well. 

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