Monday, March 14, 2011

Watch your mouth!

I am fan of Rescue Ink's facebook page because I really respect what these guys (yes they are all men) are doing.  Today they linked to a youtube video showing a very heartless and abusive shelter administrator and animal control officers.  It was bad, trust me.  I initially wrote a comment supporting Rescue Ink for investigating this act of cruelty and expressing that while black humor is very common in these situations, this particular example was over the top and needed to be investigated.

I went back to the thread later because several people had "liked" my comment (thank you) and started reading other supporters statements.  This is when I started to get angry.  People were rightfully disturbed by the actions of those in the video and emotions were running high, which is to be expected.  However, they were stooping to the lowest methods of expressing themselves and using broad derogatory terms to describe the suspects.  I will quote my response instead of going through this comment by comment...

I'd just like to comment that in addition to the callus comments and harsh handling of the kitten, the one male officer also makes sexually suggestive gestures when he sees the camera, indicative of a hostile work environment.

And I think w...e can all support and appreciate all the effort Rescue Ink is putting into ending this type of behavior without stooping calling the suspects in the video "faggot, fat, ugly...." These are not helpful ways to approach the situation. Whether or not a person is fat, gay or not traditionally attractive has nothing to do with their actions toward animals. I know these situations raise emotions and words sometimes fail us, but we have to be aware of how we are expressing ourselves.

/mommy moment...
Several people have "liked" that comment as well, but I think it needs to be said, that when we are angry it can be hard to watch what we say, but some things are simply not okay ever.  Using "faggot" as a derogatory term for an individual, even if you aren't implying that they are homosexual is NOT OKAY. A "faggot" is a bundle of kindling used to start of a fire, then it became a term for the homosexuals tied around a condemned witch so that they could all burn and go to hell. "Fat and ugly" is NOT OKAY to describe someone with whom you do not agree.  These usages just continue violence and hatred toward people even if that wasn't the original user's intent.

Watch your mouth!

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